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My First Encounter with SDGs

Updated: Sep 30, 2020

My initial encounter with sustainable development goals dated back to 2009 when my colleagues and I organised the first ever Global Citizenship and Social Service Week at the University of Hong Kong to involve students in community work and to facilitate them to contribute to the betterment of human conditions. Very soon, students became advocates in initiating and driving different campaigns and projects in areas such as climate change, fair trade, poverty and social inclusion. That time, I thought might be I could establish a social business as my second career. Over the years, I have had scattered thoughts about starting my own project - a small one that allows me to learn from, work with and support other mothers. Some friends question why only mothers and not fathers? Hmmmmm, I don't rule out the possibility of working with dads. But as a start, I feel as a mother myself, I have more to offer. So here I am - experimenting "Moms Got Talents".

I am happy to have made this first step.

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