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The product is handmade by women living in Uganda.


They are part of Watoto's  Neighbourhood Training Program which aims to empower women to create their future by their hands.


Every product includes a tag with their name to give them back the credit and also to build up their confidence and satisfaction.


Your purchase will directly benefits Watoto’s ministry in Africa to rescue orphaned children and empower vulnerable women to break the cycle of poverty in their own lives and that of their children. 


💡Did You Know?


1️⃣There are around 5,000 elephants in Uganda today.

2️⃣Uganda is a major transit route of illegal ivory from other African countries

3️⃣ In 2012 alone, 35,000 elephants were butchered for their tusks in Africa: that is 96 elephants each day.


Source: Wildlife Conservation Society Uganda


Handmade Elephant

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